She Did What She Could
Keep These Words
As John ends Revelation he seems to be desperate that we take his message seriously and so he repeats himself over and over: "Keep these words. Keel this prophecy, this teaching. Don't hide them or diminish them or embelish them, KEEP THEM! Keep these words
New Heaven and Earth - Revelation 21
John uses some mind-blowing images to portray the New Heaven and New Earth that God has promised at Jesus' return.
Judgment and Redemption
In Revelation, Judgment and Redemption go hand in hand. Where you find one you will likely find the other. Rev 20 gives us multiple pictures of both with a call to be faithful followers of Jesus to the end.
The Divine Warrior and the Battle That Was Not
The Divine Warrior and the Battle That Was Not
The "Bedazzled Whore" is annihilated. The "Bride" is prepared. And "Faithful and True" comes to begin the process of putting the world to rights.
Easter Sunday 2021
Easter Sunday 2021
Death is swallowed up in victory. We'll celebrate with scripture, great Easter hymns, a responsive reading and an Easter message entitled: Surprised By Spring or What Death Wants Doesn’t Matter
The Underlying Message of the Little Apocalypse
The Underlying Message of the Little Apocalypse
Between Palm Sunday and His crucifixion Jesus uses the Disciples interest in Herod's Temple to give them a dull but critical message they need to remember. Us too.
Come Out Of Her, My People
Come Out of Her, My People
John's "Babylon" will fall. This is an encouraging message to the Roman Asia Minor Christians suffering suspicion and persecution. But the encouragement comes with a warning.
Babylons Will Be Judged
3.14.21 Babylons Will Be Judged
Babylon is the metaphorical name for the Roman Empire in Revelation. "Babylons" are arrogant, controlling, wicked, self-centered, worshippers of their own greatness. All Babylons will feel the wrath and judgment of God.
Follow the Lamb Wherever He Goes
Sermon Follow The Lamb Wherever He Goes. Revelation 14. In this challenging chapter of Revelation we face judgment, warnings, a blessing, and a glorious picture of just who we are as "followers of the Lamb."
Who we are in Christ
The Greatness of God and His Choice of Us. Pastor Skip's friend, Pastor Kent Murahashi brings the message this morning from the first few verses of Ephesians.
Parody and the Beast
Parody and the Beast, Revelation 13. Satan- the Enemy of our souls- never comes at us "head on." He always comes as a parody to deceive and destroy. And so in Rev. 13 the Dragon calls up two Beasts to war against the faithful children of God.
Help Me, Jesus
Help Me Jesus. After a challenging week, Pastor Skip will share a testimony about the value of simple prayer in the midst of the crisis.
The Woman, the Dragon and the Child
In Rev. 12 John takes a familiar Roman legend and uses it like a political cartoon to help the faithless Roman followers of Jesus see the sinister nature of the power behind Empire -any empire.
The Word of Their Testimony
When you live in Babylon the success of a witness is not measured by the quantity of their converts, but by the steadfastness of their testimony. Revelation 10 and 11.
Suffering Repentance Salvation
Suffering Repentance Salvation: In Revelation 8-9 God's judgment is played out in disaster and suffering, but the goal of it all is life change [repentance] that leads to salvation.
Judgment Rebukes Empire
Rev 8-9: Judgment Rebukes Empire
Revelation is about the Church's relationship to Empire at any time in History. Its message to the struggling Christians in Roman Asia Minor: any human government that sets itself against God and the Lamb will go the way of Rome or Egypt.
This is Us!
The Christians of Asia Minor are battered by Rome's civil religion. Some are giving in and giving up to Caesar worship. They need something to put some steel in their backbone and some faith in their hearts. In Rev7 John gives them two snapshots of themselves.
Closed Doors and Open Doors
FBC Member David Andrianoff fills the pulpit with an encouraging message about moving forward into the unknown of 2021- especially after the unpleasantness of 2020.