Sermon: Why Is This So Hard? You'd think God would make things easy for Mary and Joseph since they're doing something so important. But no. Their story is fraught with difficulty...just like yours and mine. And that's not only okay, it's good.
Love All
Love All
Like the Lawyer in Luke's gospel [ch10] we want to set boundaries on just who we have to love. Jesus' answer in a story about "a Samaritan..." blows all our boundaries away.
Give More (Pandemic Style)
Give More (Pandemic Style): God wants to give Himself to us. Jesus is the example of "all in" giving that God intends for us, his people, to follow so we can in the parlance of Advent Conspiracy: Give More.
Link to sermon video
Spend Less to be Selfless
Spend Less to be Selfless
Christmas spending in America topped $1 Trillion in 2019. Advent Conspiracy's Spend Less is an invitation to be selfless- like Jesus.
Link to video of sermon Spend Less to be SelflessSermon transcript link
Worship Fully (pandemic style)
Mourning into Gratitude
Mourning into Gratitude: If absence makes the heart grow fonder, it should also make us more grateful.
Horsemen, Martyrs, and Calamities
link to sermon video Horsemen, Martyrs, and Calamities
What if the strange happenings in Revelation are not future events but portrayals of exactly what the Asia Minor Christians were experiencing at that moment? What if Revelation is about living faithfully for Jesus now rather than a guide for Anti-Christ spotting?
God's Plan, Rooted in His Steadfast Love
Today's video message is a video message from our beloved FBC family members, Doug and Cora Person. Link to Video:
A Tale of Two Visions
I have had two vision experiences in my life. Revelation is John's recounting of a vision he had. Today I'll tell you the story of my little visions and maybe we'll gain some insight into John's big one.
Video of A Tale of Two Visions
Link to sermon transcript: A Tale of Two Visions
The Lamb of God
The Lamb of God: The most important key to understanding Revelation- and the practice of our own faith- is found in Revelation 5.
Throne of God
The Throne of God
Rome's patriotic story wants control over all her citizens. But Rome's [or Babylon's] story contradicts God's story. Revelation 4 fact-checks Rome as to who's really has the power.
The Accommodation Situation
Video Link to The Accommodation Situation
The Accommodation Situation
Revelation is written to seven little Christian communities in Asia Minor who are all dealing with [or not dealing with] one problem: accommodating the culture of Rome [aka Babylon].
Link to Transcript of Sermon: The Accommodation Situation
Fake News and Real Power
Rome [aka Babylon] told a pretty story of being chosen by the gods to be the controlling power over all the world. "Fake news!" cries John and Revelation 1 proceeds to show us the True Power behind the universe.
Revelation Introduction
Revelation tends to be either ignored or "hyper-canonized." In truth it is "one of the most extraordinary pieces of literature ever written by a human being" [Ian Paul]. In this message: insights into Revelation's amazingness and its powerful message.
Rome's Beastly Lie
Rome was brilliant at "Branding." Her politics, religion, economics, and civic pride were all blended up in a deceptive cocktail her citizens loved to consume. John's Revelation reveals the Beastly Lie.
3 Popular Myths about Revelation
Video of 3 Popular Myths about Revelation
Sermon Transcript: 3 Popular Myths about Revelation
This Fall we will begin a long-term study in the magnificent NT book of Revelation. This introductory message looks at some of the popular mistakes commonly made in reading Revelation.
God's Back
Video: God’s Back: Humans hate mysteries. We want to take it apart, examine it, see how it works, mark it as figured out and systematize and likely monetize it. We even do it with God.